A random collection of things I come across.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Ten commandments of Black Friday shopping

Source: http://gradmoneymatters.com/2007/11/ten-commandments-of-black-friday.html

  1. Thou shalt be prepared. Do your research.
  2. Thou shalt make a prioritized list.
  3. Thou shalt know the store layout.
  4. Thou shalt know the sale hours.
  5. Thou shalt know the store policies.
  6. Thou shalt shop in tag teams.
  7. Thou shalt make sure that your cell phones are fully charged.
  8. Thou shalt wear comfortable clothes and preferably running shoes.
  9. Thou shalt keep some water and snacks in the car.
  10. Thou shalt not buy junk just because it is on sale.

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